We are having our Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Thursday 27 July. You can find out more about the AGM in our AGM 2023 Details post on our website.
As part of our AGM, we are inviting OASF members to submit questions for the current OASF board to address during the meeting. If you have any questions you would like to submit to the board, please send them via email to hello@oasf.co.uk or use the Contact Us page on our website.
The deadline for submitting questions will be Thursday 20 July. We will then collate the questions and answer them during the AGM. If we receive more questions than can be reasonably answered during the AGM, we will answer other questions in a written post afterwards.
Standing for election
At this year’s AGM there will be a full election of the OASF board. That means that all ten seats are up for grabs. We encourage any members who have an interest in becoming an OASF board member to stand.
If you are interested but not yet sure, feel free to contact any of the existing OASF board who would be happy to give any advice or answer questions.
Information on how to stand for election is included in our AGM 2023 Details post. The deadline for submitting your nomination form is Monday 17 July.